Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Everybody has a Cause

Growing up, I used to write poetry as a means of understanding the world around me and releasing my elegiac emotions. At some point, that path to my poetic place of peace became encumbered by the scenery along the way (women), a desire for a map (logic/reason), and a need to fuel my journey (money/excitement).   Life has gotten a lot more complicated since then, but I’ve discovered that writing is still a way for me to release what’s crammed inside my head into the universe and hopefully this blog will help to generate some good from my cerebral residue. So what is this blog about you ask? Keep reading, and hopefully somewhere along my path you will decide to join me, or at least make a stopover at one of my favorite places.

Five years ago today, I signed the papers that changed my life. No, it wasn’t my wedding day, but those papers required a similar level of commitment, passion, attention and care. On December 6, 2006, I completed my first company purchase making myself a full time entrepreneur. I put in my two weeks’ notice soon thereafter, passed up the company offer to go to Palm Springs (as a parting gift), and moved to Atlanta with my pregnant fiancĂ©. I had no clue where I would end up, but I knew that entrepreneurship was how I wanted to get there.

Fast forward to October 28, 2011 when I heard/saw the clip of Michael Arrington, founder of a relatively famous media company in the tech space, saying that he didn’t know a “single black entrepreneur.” Now while I’m sure he was embellishing his point to some degree (at least I hope he was), the fact remains that it bothered me. I felt faceless. Marginalized. Trivialized. I felt like what I worked tirelessly for every day and into the wee hours of the night didn’t mean anything. Then, I began a mental exercise that at first made me think that he was right….until I began to write…and when I finished writing, I had a list of over one hundred of my friends, family members, and peers that were entrepreneurs with their own businesses that supported their lives and their families…and THAT is the purpose of my blog.

I want to share my people with my people…and I want you to support my people and share your experiences with your people. My posts will range from short (facebook/twitter only) endorsements to full blogs that have a back story or personal/historical/funny twist. Hopefully, my blog/posts will eventually catch on and eventually encourage other people to ask about and support “our” businesses. As I patronize the best that our community has to offer, I will share with you my experiences in hopes that you will go and make your own experiences.  Friends/readers, if you don’t want me to put you or your business on blast, send me a side email now. Otherwise, for the next year, I am committing to either making a purchase from a black owned business or spreading the word about a black owned business at least once a week…EVERY week. So be on the lookout. If you thought to yourself “it’s hard to find black businesses to support,” ask yourself why. If you’re asking yourself “what black business could I support?” take the first step by following my blog and you’ll soon find out.  


  1. Great 1st blog! SO proud of you!

  2. *slow claps*

    Well said. I recently tweeted the same thing that over the next year I am going to make it a point to support small black businesses. Looks like you wil make it easy for me!

    Looking forward to reading more.


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